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Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Nugget of Nutrition
The meal that you should never miss

Picture this: It's the beginning of spring. A man walks out to his garage and wheels out the lawn mower that hasn't moved since the last warm fall day.  After he brushes off a few remaining leaves and cobwebs, he begins. It takes a few tugs, but it starts. The next thing he does, to ensure it keeps running, is check the fluids.  In a sense, he needs to feed his lawn mower to make sure it keeps running.

When you wake up in the morning, your body is similar to the lawn mower that hasn't been used all winter. You may not be asleep for months, but your body needs to be properly nourished so you can keep running throughout the day. Breakfast is the perfect name for the first meal of the day. You are breaking the fast (not eating) when you sleep.

I'm sure you have heard the old saying, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."  Nothing can be more true. Those first couple of hours after you wake up often set the tone for the rest of the day.  Of all the hours of the day, those first few are the ones you have the most control over.  You can choose to sleep in till the last minute, rush out in a hurry, and maybe grab something along the way; or you can wake up with enough time to eat a healthy breakfast, and give your body the energy it needs to start the day off on a positive note. Breakfast doesn't have to take much of your time.  A good quality cereal and some fruit is a great place to start. Refueling your system with a good breakfast will kick start your metabolism.

If you are trying to lose weight and you think skipping a meal is a way of achieving your goal, you are wrong. A healthy breakfast gets your metabolism running so you can start burning those calories. Studies show that people who eat breakfast tend to weigh less than those who don't. Skipping any meal won't help you lose weight. Neither will eating a breakfast on the go like donuts or egg sandwiches from the local mini mart or fast food joint.  Would you put fluids in your lawn mower or car that would get them started but would eventually clog the system and limit the life of the engine? Or would you buy the better fluids that won't clog the system and will keep the engine running strong for a longer life? And on top of that, healthy food can be inexpensive, too. The choice seems obvious.

We know how confusing it can be to pick a quick, easy, and healthy breakfast.  There are a lot of foods out there that claim to be healthy but simply are not.  If you need any help or have any questions please feel free to ask.  We will be more than happy to help you start your day right!

Written by Joann Agoglia
Edited by Robert Marshall


  1. So, what would be a good quality cereal?

  2. Thank you for your interest in our post. When looking for a good quality cereal you need to read the ingredients, not the nutrition label. Do not pick anything with high fructose corn syrup or lots of added sugar. A good rule of thumb is the less ingredients the better.

    Kashi has a few cereals that are very low in sugar but still taste great. It is important to know that plain Cheerios are not terrible. Kix has few ingredients and little sugar, as well. Our personal favorite is oatmeal. Adding fruit to cereal is a great way to add taste, fiber, and vitamins.

    Let us know what kind of cereals you like, and we will see if we can find a good alternative if it is necessary.

  3. I like Honeynut Cherios.

  4. Hi, Sam!

    I don't know if you have checked the ingredients and labels on Honeynut Cheerios; if you have not, here is a link! Please take notice of the ingredients (which includes 2 sources of sugar other than honey) and the facts (9g of sugar vs 2g of fiber). Honeynut Cheerios does not provide a healthy breakfast. 9g equals nearly 4 sugar cubes in 3/4cup.

    Here is what we suggest: regular Cheerios. Initially, we see 1g of sugar vs 3g of fiber for 1cup. Not a bad start, but if you want that touch of sweetness, here are some alternatives. 1tsp of honey will add some taste and only add about 6g of sugar (less than the serving size in honeynut cheerios). If you want to try something else, add some fruit for fiber and sweetness.

    Please give these a try the next time you go grocery shopping, and let us know how you feel about it!
